f you missed Bruce's first entry (and all the others so far) then please check out the 2017 Travel Highlights page.
Our yacht sits gently tugging at its anchor after a seven hundred nautical mile passage. I lay gathering my senses after being jolted awake by what at first I thought was gun fire. Now conscious of where I am, I realise the noise is the passing putt-putt boats un-muffled motors. The wonderful smells of coffee, spices and cooking fire smoke waft through the companionway. The village is waking, people scurry to work in small ferries. Amongst the chaos of motor cycles, bicycles and pedestrians a rooster guards his hens. Ahh the Sights Sounds Smells of Wonderful Indonesia.
Bruce and partner Deb have lived aboard Matilda a Hans Christian Christina yacht for the past 7 years. We are full time cruisers who have travelled the east coast of Australia and are now exploring SE Asia waters.