#32 - Yellowstone at Last by Martha Graham-Waldon
#31 - Hair Today…Gone Tomorrow! by Jacqui Martin
#30 - Life Unseen by Susan Mellsopp
#29 - Flaws in the System by Tina Wagner Mattern
#28 - Geronimo On Skis by Tina Wagner Mattern
#27 - Blood Calls by Mitos Suson
#26 - Ladies Who Launch – My First Ever Windsurfing Race by Jackie Lambert
#25 - He’s Beautiful and He Knows It by Susan Mellsopp
#24 - Inés by Dvora Treisman
#23 - Lightning does strike twice by Jacqui Martin
#22 - All At Sea by Sue Bavey
#21 - Snow Ride by Carrie Riseley
#20 - Kidnapped By Aliens In Slovakia! – The Perils of Being a Brit Abroad by Jackie Lambert
#19 - Memories of a childhood in London by Valerie Poore
#18 - TO BE AN INNKEEPER by Syd Blackwell
#17 - The Nightmare - Part 4 by Tina Wagner Mattern
#16 - Mince Meat and Pigs’ Liver by Mary Mae Lewis
#15 - “Sailing By” Part 1 by Ronald Mackay
#14 - To the Tune of a Fire Alarm by Judy Middleton
#13 - The Nightmare - Part 3 by Tina Wagner Mattern
#12 - A Visit to the ‘Murder House’ by Robyn Boswell
#11 - Baking and Other Delights by Susan Mellsopp
#10 - The Nightmare - Part 2 by Tina Wagner Mattern
#9 - Memories of Mudville by Sue Bavey
#8 - The Travelling Home Trilogy by Syd Blackwell
#7 - Dad’s War by Robyn Boswell
#6 - A Random Tuesday by Kelly Reising
#5 - The Nightmare Begins by Tina Wagner Mattern
#4 - Snow Plow! by Sue Bavey
#3 - How and where I spent my coming of age by Roger Knight
#2 - Aboriginal culture, Queensland, Australia by Shirley Read-Jahn
#1 - Sins of the Father by Shane Joseph