At Torreira today
I saw a father and son
so blasé
each in his own way
on a bicycle built for one
With both hands on the handle bar
father's cigarette
was not far
from dropping ash on the crossbar
but had not done so yet
With shoulders inside father's arms
son balanced on the bar
sat cross-armed
oblivious to ash or other harm
which had worked out well so far
I wondered as I quenched my thirst
ash or son which would fall first
Torreira, Portugal
July 18, 1991
I lived in British Columbia, Canada´s western province, for most of my life. I was a teacher, and a college employee (various roles - instruction, recruitment, promotion, counselling, research), before re-inventing myself as an innkeeper. I designed and had built my B&B inn in Revelstoke, which I operated for nine years.
At age 60, my wife and I retired to Uruguay, where we will soon have lived for a decade. Innside Stories is my first published book. I have extensive writing experience in Canada with other publications. In Uruguay, I wrote 75 articles for a now defunct online magazine called Ola Uruguay. We live in Villa Argentina, a suburb of Atlántida, on the coast of Uruguay. We have five dogs.
Link: Innside Stories: Anecdotes from Wintergreen Inn 1995-2004