Enjoy reading Val's memorable life experience WEDDING IN THE CATHEDRAL here.
I was born and brought up in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, but have been fortunate enough since the age of 19 to spend most of my life in hotter climes. After spending 27 years in Bahrain where I produced two sons and was a secretary for many years before eventually turning my hand to English Language Teaching for Adults, my husband and I retired in December 2005 to beautiful Marbella, Andalucia, Spain. Since then I’ve spent most of my time relaxing by the pool, walking in the unspoilt countryside, reading, and writing with much help from the Writers’ Workshop section of Marbella U3A. So far I’ve had a couple of articles published (and paid for!) – one in the British women’s magazine “My Weekly” and the other in “Scottish Life”, a magazine published in the USA and Canada. I’ve also had several interviews and letters published in various magazines. I’m still writing and I’m hoping to have some of my short stories published soon through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), so watch this space! I also enjoy proofreading and may take this up more seriously at some stage – if it doesn’t seem like too much hard work, so watch this space also!