The latest contribution to the Memoir Showcase is an intriguing piece of travel writing from self-published author, Carrie Riseley.
You can read Carrie's story Snow Ride here.
Carrie grew up in Tasmania, Australia but spent her youth living in Melbourne, Japan and England. She has travelled to 47 countries to date, and kept a travel journal for every single one.
Carrie started doing this when, just before her first travelling experience at age 18, family members gave her an empty notebook to use as a travel journal. Carrie found she loved writing about what she was seeing and experiencing so much that she filled the notebook in only 3 weeks. She bought more notebooks, and just kept going.
So far, Carrie has published three books:
- All Aboard! A journey on the Trans-Mongolian Railway and through eastern Europe (2021)
- Japan Unexpected (2022)
- Smiles and Spices: journeys and encounters in east Asia (2023)
Because Carrie's books were written in the moment as she was travelling - or, in the case of her second book “Japan Unexpected”, while she was living in and fully experiencing the culture of Japan - you'll feel like you were there too. You'll marvel as she marvelled, wonder as she wondered, and learn as she learned.
You can follow “Carrie’s Travel Books” on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest, or Carrie Riseley on LinkedIn, to see Carrie's photographs and snippets of her great stories. You can find links to Carrie’s books and socials here:
You can also find her on GoodReads and BookBub.
Carrie lives in Hobart, Tasmania, with her baby son Ned.