You can read her story Scrabble by clicking here.
Mary Mae has recently released a new memoir, Don’t Stop the Fiesta. You can find out more about it in her guest blog here. There's also a chance to win a signed copy.
She’s also been published in the Telegraph and is a published poet.
A retired teacher, Mary came late to becoming a writer and her work is based on true life experiences.
She has been married for over 50 years has 3 sons and 4 grand children.
She has travelled extensively, including living in Grand Cayman for four years and Malawi for five.
She now spends half the year in Spain, where she does most of her writing, and half in Newcastle-u-Lyme, Staffordshire UK.
She blogs on her Face Book page Where There’s a Will, There’s a Woman.
Besides reading and writing Mary Mae enjoys going to local history talks, buying and selling antiques, gardening and swimming.
Mary Mae Lewis: www.
[email protected]