Don't forget that the competition ends at midnight (UK) on Monday November 14th.
After a month of eating only spicy Indian food, I couldn’t take it any longer. What I craved more than anything was just a normal cheese pizza. Overjoyed to find Dominos Pizza in Gurgaon, India, I picked up the phone and called in my order.
Dominos: “HellowelcometoDominoswillyoubewantingapizzatoday?” (Spoken with a very rapid and lilting Indian accent.)
Me: “Yes I would like to order a large margherita pizza.”
Dominos: “Didyousayamediumspicydelightpizza,Madam?”
Me: “NO! I said a large MARGHERITA pizza!”
Me: “Okay, yes, whatever!”
Dominos: “Wewillbeseeingyouinthirtyminuteswithyoursmallspicydelightpizzaand thecostwillbe*!@# (unintelligible) rupeesthankyouforcallingDominos,Madam.”
I hung up ten minutes later completely baffled.
Jill loves her life as an international educator, and on the days when there is ample electricity and water, she feels like she is living the dream.