You may remember that Tina submitted four extracts from her memoir-in-progress in last year's showcase. She kindly permitted us to include them all in the resultant anthology - 40 Memorable Life Experiences, released earlier this year. If you haven't got your copy yet then you can pick it up here -
Tina's latest submission is another inspirational story from her memoir, which is now near completion. You can read MAYWOOD by clicking here.
Tina Wagner Mattern is a 69-year-old Portland, Oregon writer. She has been published numerous times in anthologies such as Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Maine Review, A Cup of Comfort and most recently (and gratefully) in Robert Fear’s “40 Memorable Life Experiences”. She dabbles in short, humorous fiction but her main focus is on finishing her memoir-in-progress, “Butter Side Up, Thank God.” This story is an extract from that book. | Tina and her husband Fred |