His story is entitled Lighten our Darkness. Enjoy it here.
During a varied life, Ronald Mackay has survived a great many perils including a military arrest on the Romanian frontier with the USSR in 1968 shortly before the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, a journey by dog-sled on sea-ice off the coast of the Melville Peninsula in the Canadian Arctic and an eruption of Mount Yasur on the island of Tanna in the Republic of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. He still regards as one of his greatest challenges, however, a period of his life spent in the company of a single-minded dog-breeder. His take-home lesson from that period is: It may be futile to compete for the attention of a dedicated pet-lover.
Ronald and his wife Viviana, live happily and bilingually in a home they built themselves on the shores of Rice Lake in Ontario, Canada where the only live-in animal company is each other while they are surrounded by a wide and fascinating range of wildlife the year round from orioles to ospreys and mink to moose.
Ronald writes plays for the theatre and is the author of “Fortunate Isle, a Memoir of Tenerife” and “A Tenerife con Cariño”.