You may remember that Julie entered her travel story in last year's competition and modestly claimed that she was definitely not a writer. Others did not agree as she went on to be voted second in the overall competition. If you haven't read her wonderful story yet then catch up with Yes, It Had Been a Good Day All in All before reading Julie's brand new highlight.
I went on a day trip sailing the Grenadines on holiday in Barbados. A very early start so no time for breakfast. A short flight in a small 6-seater plane and then on the boat all day. I get travel sick, but, if I have a good breakfast before I go I’m much better! Felt very queasy and just sat still for a couple of hours looking out to sea going "Oh, oh, oh". The midday meal was served up-chicken I thought-I really enjoyed it-and felt fine after that! People kept saying they didn't think it was chicken legs though…….
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