Our latest life-changing event is from Donna O’Donnell Figurski and you can read her story Cricket Magic by clicking here.
Donna is the author of her three-time-award-winning memoir, Prisoners Without Bars: A Caregiver’s Tale, a heart-wrenching love story. She is working on another book about brain injury (Conversations) with a coauthor who is a survivor of brain injury. Donna can’t wait to share her love of teaching, complete with anecdotes from her career–in which she taught first and third grades–and tips for teachers, in her new manuscript, If I Ran the School: Making Learning Fun, which is next up for submission. She implores you to cross your fingers for her!
Donna hosts a twice-monthly, 80-minute, international radio show, “Another Fork in the Road,” on the Brain Injury Radio Network. She is also the creator and writer for an award-winning blog, Surviving Traumatic Brain Injury. In addition, she is a frequent contributor to both print and online journals and magazines, including Hope Magazine, The Mighty, and BrainLine, and her work has been published in several anthologies.
Donna’s forever-dream is to publish her picture-book manuscripts in this lifetime. Again, please cross your fingers for her!
Donna is happiest when spending time with her husband, David, and her ‘lil pup, Cricket, either in the desert or at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. And, of course, when she is writing.
To learn more about Donna, please visit …
her book, Prisoners Without Bars: A Caregiver’s Tale.
her website at donnafigurski.com.
her personal blog at donnafigurski.com/bookity-blog.
Google Donna O’Donnell Figurski to learn more about her than you ever wanted to know.