Then, I got a phone call at 7:37 this evening from a friend, sharing that her relative had just attempted suicide due to his personal struggles since the arrival of COVID19. He had lost his job, had received an eviction notice, and saw no clear path to anything remotely close to “better” while the Coronavirus lingered. That conversation forced me to sit down at my desk just as soon as I hung up the phone. What you will find below may not be that great, but it’s what my heart rolled out in the final hour.
Some of us are not concerned with how our mortgages and car notes will get paid. Some of us aren’t concerned with where our next meal will come from, or, if we’ll have to suffer through another night filled with tears streaming down the faces of our hungry children, along with our own tears of helplessness.
For those who suffer with mental illness, their situations are creating a new wave of crisis, as many who see no way out, are, out of fear and desperation, turning to suicide.
My heart breaks for these innocents in this war.
And So, I Believed
I'm afraid.
I've been locked up inside for so long, I don't know my nights from my days.
It's lonely.
I'm scared.
There's no place to hide, and no other place to go, because it's everywhere.
I need to make a run
...just out to the store
…but, I'm not even sure's safe to open my door.
It's in the air we breathe
...on everything that we touch
I never realized until now
...I needed people so much.
I've no medical insurance
…so, I mustn’t get sick.
My stomach is growling
...but, it will soon quit.
I'll just stay inside for now.
I do need my meds kill the voices in my head.
They've never been this loud before.
A little knock at the door
...would really help right now.
It's too quiet.
I'm so afraid.
I open my wallet and remember...
I haven't even gotten paid.
What will I do?
How will I survive?
I don't even know if it's worth staying alive.
And, what will I eat?
What about the heat?
I know that it's summer
…and it's supposed to be hot
…but, this thing has me terrified
…all tied up in knots.
So, I strangely shiver as if it is cold.
While parts of the world move, my life is on hold.
Under the covers
...the only place I feel safe.
Oh, how I wish feel the sun on my face.
How will I cover
...the rent that is due?
My landlord's expecting be paid at two.
Some understand
...but others not
My luck ran out
...with the landlord I got.
"I've got a family to feed - you've only got you."
He does not see that only me has to eat, too.
I don't have the rent, dear Lord.
What will I do?
Where will I go?
I need a sign
...because I just don't know.
How long will this crisis last?
No one knows for sure.
I’m afraid of my thoughts.
How much more can I endure?
I just don’t know.
My mind is racing
…it just won't stop.
Please slow it down, Lord
…these thoughts are just not - to your liking.
I cover my mouth
A cough escapes.
I drift over to the window
…and pull back the drapes.
Unlocking the locks
…one by one
I can hear the calling
...not a voice, but a gun.
No, too noisy, I think.
And what if I miss?
I'm already afraid to even consider this.
Now, it’s a voice – louder - more clear
Almost a shout - deep in my ear.
"Come closer to me.
Look, I’m down here."
Five stories below me
Cars rushing by
I hear the voice again
"C’mon, you can fly."
I look back over my shoulder
As my landlord knocks
Then I glance at the wall
…it’s straight two o’clock.
“Why are you hesitant? There’s only pain here for you.
There’s nobody to help, so, what will you do?
The world is on lockdown, but you can be free.
Do not wait another second; come and join me!
You see, I am free - down here.
And don’t forget, you can fly.”
And so, I believed.
Fight those voices that encourage you to harm yourself and others.
If you were not born a bird or created in the likeness of some type of aircraft, listen to ME - you cannot fly.